Jules Pilates adds a new location!

Engineered Construction, Inc. began a build-out for the new Jules Pilates Studio located at 2160 Atwood Avenue in Madison. The 756 sq ft space, though smaller than Jules’ other studio located on Mineral Point, will accommodate the same wonderful classes they offer along with a slightly different ambiance. Check back for updates on the progress!

Engineered Construction has some exciting news!

Engineered Construction, Inc.has an exciting announcement coming in February! We’ll give you a hint…

It’s Distinctively Silver and we are honored! Lot’s of hard work led up to this moment. Hollywood isn’t the only industry celebrating the January/February season! STAY TUNED!

Move-in Day is close for Children’s Therapy Network!

The work done by Jen and her staff at Children’s Therapy Network is certainly nothing short of tremendous. So much so that their efforts and growth necessitated a larger facility.

CTN is a therapy clinic specializing in the treatment of children with Sensory Processing Disorders, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Behavioral and Social Difficulties, Developmental Delay, and Feeding and Eating concerns. In addition to serving children with identified needs, they also help families and community providers support children who may just be struggling to successfully get through their day.

Engineered Construction was proud to remodel the 11,500 sq ft space to incorporate offices, a conference room, therapy areas, reception, storage and a kitchen.

The moving trucks will arrive at the new facility located at 639 Struck Street, Madison, on Saturday, February 4th. They anticipate opening a few days after that.

Brrrrr! Engineered Construction has some tips to warm you up this winter!!

  1. WARM YOURSELF FIRST – It’s easier to change your body temperature than room temperature, not to mention more eco-friendly. Instead of turning up the heat, put on another layer of clothing.
  2. WEAR A HAT – Your mom may have said that you lose 80 percent of your body heat through your head, but that’s not actually true. If you’re otherwise clothed, you’ll lose heat from any surface that’s exposed. So put on your hat, even if you’re inside.
  3. TURN ON THE CEILING FAN – Warm air rises to the ceiling. Run your fan on its lowest setting in a clockwise direction to push the warm air back down to where you can feel it.
  4. SWITCH BETWEEN HOT AND COLD WATER IN THE SHOWER – Hot showers immediately warm you up, but cold showers improve blood circulation between your skin and organs. Cold showers are also correlated with a stronger immune system.
  5. BLOCK DOOR DRAFTS WITH A POOL NOODLE (Seriously…) – Keep heat in and cold out by cutting a pool noodle in half lengthwise, wrapping it in fabric, and sliding it under your door. It’ll stay put all winter, and you can re-use it at the pool come summer. (But we recommend you spring for a new one.)
  6. PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT – Stay warm on schedule, so you never go home to a living room that’s colder than outside. You can even do it with your smartphone.
  7. DRESS YOUR WINDOWS UP IN WARMER CLOTHES – Replace thin curtains with heavier wool or fleece drapes in the winter. But be sure to open them on sunny days for free heat.
  8. START BAKING – Using your oven heats up the whole house. You’ll feel even cozier if you invite friends—and all their body heat—over to eat four dozen cookies.
  9. START COMPOSTING – If you’re already interested in composting, here’s another reason to do it: The microbial breakdown of organic material produces heat. Some people use it to warm up showers and greenhouses, but even small-timers in studio apartments can feel a difference.
  10. LAYER YOUR COVERS WITH THE THINNEST, DENSEST ONES ON TOP – It’s intuitive, but fluffy blankets should be closer to your skin. Thin, dense blankets should be on top to prevent convective heat loss. Bonus tip: Don’t put your bed directly against an exterior wall. You’ll be warmer if you leave a little space.
  11. STUFF YOUR COAT POCKETS WITH HAND WARMERS – You know…those little packets you can pick up at most any hardware, drug store or home store. Toasty!