Food Business Incubator Enhances Community

EC is very proud of our involvement with the FEED Kitchens (Food Enterprise Economic Development), Madison’s new, food-based, business incubation facility. The 5,400-square-foot building, located at 1219 N. Sherman Ave., houses five commercial kitchens, with space and equipment for baking, produce prep and processing, deli prep and meat processing. The kitchens were officially open for business on Nov 4th, 2013, under the management of Adam Haen, and are currently available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for hourly rentals, with dry, cold and frozen storage space available. Developed through the Northside Planning Council, and the fundraising efforts of Ellen Bernard and Karen Bassler, the incubator is being funded by private donations and government grants, including a Community Development Block Grant from the city of Madison and a grant from the Wisconsin Buy Local program. The incubator is available for non-profit and for-profit use, including Madison Area Technical College, local caterers, REAP Food Group and local food cart vendors.

This project was carefully completed under the supervision of Project Manager, Jim Ladika and Job Superintendant, Greg McGuire, of Engineered Construction.